
The software's features allow for better visibility into ongoing operations, ensure a reliable supply chain strategy, and lower overhead costs by automating many parts of the temp management process.

Add Records

From anywhere in the system, add staff, bookings and clients quickly.

  • Save time and hassle with electronic onboarding forms for staff
  • Rehire staff under HMRC guidelines with or without previous history
  • Book clients quickly anywhere in the system
  • Rapid Client Profile creation – key details captured instantly


Book temps in just a few clicks.

  • Save time booking multiple job positions
  • Book without any date or time restrictions
  • Vet your staff with ease
  • Offer and Confirm staff electronically
  • Manage timesheets electronically, through QR codes, or Geo Fencing


Timesheet creation to fit your needs.

  • Versatile timesheet features so you can meet all your clients requirements
  • Submit timesheets to HMRC compliant Enrolpay payroll or Export to alternative external payroll systems
  • Reduce client Invoice queries – Invoices created after client authorises timesheets


Keep your staff records accurate and precise.

Crafting the right staff profiles can make the difference between successful placements and substandard ones. Take the guesswork out of finding the right staff with accurate staff profiles.

  • Always place the correct staff with vetted staff profiles
  • Add qualifications, documentation and right to work details which are matched to clients’ booking requirements
  • Staff rated by clients
  • Staff log their own availability via the app
  • No Shows recorded
  • Securely email payslips to staff (payslips also available to view and download on the Obair app)
  • Reduce pay queries. Payslip payments matched to time sheeted work (client and date worked displayed)

Building bespoke groups of staff ensures your best temps are at your fingertips

Building bespoke groups of staff allows you to ensure that the best possible staff are placed in bookings. Consultants can create specific groups of workers and share between each other plus clients can create their own favourite staff groups.


Keeping your client data organized and up-to-date is an important part of placing staff. With comprehensive and versatile records that link to placements make sure the correct staff are placed and charged to the client.

  • Save time by automatically matching staff to client requirements
  • Easily onboard potential clients and activate them once they become actual clients
  • Keep track of staff performance with ratings and feedback
  • Control margins with flexible charge structures that are linked to bookings and stored change history
  • Choose from over 140 invoice formats and varied invoice periods, set at a client or company level


Email professional invoices based on timesheets in minutes.

  • Save time by automating your invoicing process
  • Invoice Status Log - always know what timesheets are awaiting invoicing or have been invoiced
  • Export to different accounting and PO systems


Get all the data you need to make informed decisions.

Our extensive system reports help your business run more effectively and efficiently. We also offer bespoke reporting services, allowing you to tailor the reports to your needs.

  • Extensive system reports
  • Bespoke reports created
  • Margins module linked to payroll


Access to suit your business needs.

Giving users control over their access allows for secure data protection.

  • Easy management of system users’ access with system template – create and cut access swiftly
  • Manage Staff’s access to the app
  • Bespoke templates management – your business, you decide

Audit Log

Detailed records are compiled to provide forensic evidence of how the system is accessed by users, allowing companies to stay informed on any potential attempts by users to use their data for non-contractual purposes.

  • Comprehensive audit facility throughout the system - who did what, and when
  • Forensic Audits available for tribunals

Bespoke Setup Module

Set up the system how you want it with bespoke lists and settings.

Obair App

Temp Staffs Access to Placement Details.

Our dedicated staff app makes it easier than ever to manage staff. With one easy to use platform, they can view available job offers, log their availability, check their payslips and confirm future positions or bookings with ease.

  • Dedicated App for staff to view and accept/decline offers of work, confirm work, cancel work, view work details (location, directions and specific details) view payslips, log availability, check in with QR codes and much more to come
  • Optional company branded app
Apple app store icon Google play store icon

Other Benefits

High Volume Temp Software, our software will help you save time and money.

  • Easy and fast end to end management of high-volume temps
  • Intuitive navigation - key functions one click away from login
  • Book, Pay and Invoice with one system
  • Bespoke setup so the system suits your business rather than your business suiting the system
  • Always know your exact Margins with reporting linking to payroll
  • Traceable communication with staff via the app, email and SMS
  • Multi-Layered Compliance


No temps can receive all details via emails.

The system can collect data including documents via our bespoke electronic forms – the details are then posted directly into the staff record.

Everything except for setup cost and if you wish to use a branded version of the app – we will not surprise you with any additional costs. However, we hold the right to charge for bespoke functionality requests.

Request a Demo

The best way to find if Temp Organiser is right for you.